Logisticians able to think ahead about supply chain risk

Roger OakdenGlobal Logistics, Logistics Management, Procurement, Supply Chains & Supply Networks

Climate change warning

Logisticians have a dual role. First, to effectively and efficiently provide availability of items for customers. Second is to think ahead about the potential disruptions to the organisation’s supply chains and how to mitigate the risks. With the second objective, Logisticians are dealing with unknowns, which are difficult to evaluate, both in supply chains and the wider environment. Complex Adaptive … Read More

Using Cloud technology for Supply Chain applications

Roger OakdenGlobal Logistics, Logistics Management, Procurement, Supply Chains & Supply Networks

Global network

Selecting the type of Cloud application Cloud computing is a valid technology approach for transmitting data and information through supply chains, but do not commence the discussion from the view of cost savings. Instead, evaluate the risk factors for your organisation to enable identification of the total cost. Software as a Service (SaaS) is a favoured business model among application … Read More

Capacity within your Supply Chains is an input to S&OP

Roger OakdenGlobal Logistics, Logistics Management, Procurement, Supply Chains & Supply Networks

Business strategy to planning

Capacity in supply chains Like many aspects of supply chains, capacity should not be considered on its own, but within the three elements that provide Availability for a business – capacity, lead times and inventory. A business will recognize the attributes of each element and be comfortable with independent actions inside the organisations that are done to ‘help’ the business: … Read More

Supply Chains affected by a country’s economic policy

Roger OakdenGlobal Logistics, Logistics Management, Supply Chains & Supply Networks

Global network

An economy Discussions about Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) concern the balancing of customer demand with sufficient supply. While S&OP operates at the tactical level within an organisation, a national economy also needs balancing of aggregate demand with supply capability. How a government views the importance of demand or supply factors to a national economy can affect the operations and … Read More