How many Supply Chains to satisfy customers’ needs?

Roger OakdenLogistics Management, Logistics Planning, Procurement, Supply Chains & Supply NetworksLeave a Comment

Container shipping movements

Operate with One Plan You cannot ‘do’ supply chains – it is a planning concept. Developed in the early 1980s, the term reflects an effective plan that goes across operational disciplines for moving and storing items to meet end user needs. The ‘doing’ is performed by disciplines that are brought together as the Supply Chains group. At the minimum, the … Read More

Supply Chains terms and understanding by senior managers

Roger OakdenLogistics Management, Logistics Planning, Procurement, Supply Chains & Supply NetworksLeave a Comment

Collaboration in Supply Chains

The challenge of words At a recent aerospace conference, the CEO of a major company stated that he expected the sector to be affected by supply chain issues until the end of 2024. Of greater concern for supply chain professionals, he stated that “we have to resolve the supply chain issues and the surprises associated with them; and we have … Read More

Planning Operational Capacity in your Supply Chains

Roger OakdenLogistics Management, Logistics Planning, Procurement, Supply Chains & Supply Networks2 Comments

Business strategy to planning

Capacity challenge Flows of materials and items through an organisation’s supply chains are governed by inventory, lead times and capacity – the triangle of operational resources that provide Availability of products for customers. Of the three, operational capacity within a business is the resource least influenced by external events and decisions and therefore more able to be planned. Operational capacity … Read More

Mapping the Flows through Core Supply Chains

Roger OakdenLogistics Management, Logistics Planning, Procurement, Supply Chains & Supply Networks2 Comments

Warehouse employees

Commencing the Sustainability journey The reporting standards for Sustainability discussed in the previous blogpost provide a template for understanding and reducing the environmental, social and governance (ESG) effects that each business can cause. Although your business may not be initially required to report through one of the standards, your company’s customers may need to report and therefore will require your … Read More

Climate Change reporting standards include Supply Chains

Roger OakdenLogistics Management, Logistics Planning, Procurement, Supply Chains & Supply NetworksLeave a Comment

Geopolitics and supply chains

The new reporting standards The term ‘Sustainable Supply Chains’ mean different things to different people. Not only by customers and suppliers in your region, but those in other regions that have different priorities and investment criteria concerning sustainability. To help organisations talk from the same perspective, there have been quite a few (and confusing) attempts to standardise reporting by businesses … Read More