Think about Supply Chains and Logistics as Strategic

Roger OakdenLogistics Planning, Supply Chains & Supply Networks

Innovation in supply chains and logistics

Innovation in your supply chains. You cannot cut your business to glory. There comes a time when being smarter is the better option. After some seven years of hearing and reading about re-organisation and retrenchment as a solution to business challenges, is it the right time to invest in smarter supply chains? This thought was triggered by a recent report … Read More

The total cost of your low cost items may be high

Roger OakdenProcurement, Supply Chains & Supply Networks

Calculating the total cost of ownership (TCO)

Know the Total Cost of Ownership for items. Are you thinking about outsourcing the manufacture and delivery of a product, or renewing a current outsourcing contract? For manufacturing items, you may think of China or other countries in north or south east Asia. Why? because production costs are considered to be lower. Labour costs are still a dominant feature when … Read More

Supply Chains are where the money is in your business

Roger OakdenSupply Chains & Supply Networks

Where is the money made in your business? Have you heard the saying ‘Know the price of everything and the value of nothing’? The first part has come true through access by customers and consumers to information via the Internet, aided by the growth of digital mobile data. The second part is more subjective; companies such as Apple and BMW … Read More