A better organisation through Supply Chain Analytics

Roger OakdenLogistics Management, Procurement, Supply Chains & Supply Networks

Supply Chain Analytics

Analysis helps performance. ‘We behave how we are measured’ is a statement applicable to supply chain professionals. Performance is being measured; but what if  your performance could be improved through access to analysis of what is happening and projections of likely events? This is Supply Chain Analytics. My previous post discussed the time it could take for new technologies applicable for … Read More

Implementing new technologies in your Supply Chains

Roger OakdenLogistics Management, Procurement, Supply Chains & Supply Networks

New technologies light bulb moment

How long before technologies become mainstream? A Marketing measure of acceptance for a new product or concept to be accepted as ‘mainstream’ is adoption by more than eight percent of the potential market. For example, despite all the hype, on-line shopping by consumers in Australia has yet to reach the magic percentage. Similarly, how long will it take for new … Read More

Logistics future, events and changing trade lanes

Roger OakdenGlobal Logistics, Logistics Management, Supply Chains & Supply Networks

East Asia

The future is not far away. Changing your Logistics patterns usually occur when it has to be done – but that is when your competitors are also likely to be changing their Logistics. With more businesses competing for the new environment, prices increase. The alternative is to think ahead and consider what could happen and whether changes to your business … Read More

Value Network replaces Supply Network – fact or fiction

Roger OakdenLogistics Management, Supply Chains & Supply Networks

Circular economy

Value Network – the in term. To get readers’ attention on either the screen or page, it helps if the topic being written about appears to be ‘new’. Using the term Value Network is an example, with it gaining favour in articles and commentary that discuss availability of goods and services for customers and consumers. Is this because authors are tired … Read More

Build your inventory plan for a profitable business

Roger OakdenLogistics Management, Logistics Planning, Supply Chains & Supply Networks

Inventory balances supply and demand - Part 3

Setting inventory policy. A Supply Chain manager will view performance across three aspects at the inventory policy level: customer service levels by inventory category/class; inventory turnover rate and the resulting operating profit. If this is done, inventory will not have to be managed against a financial target established in the annual budget. Instead, the inventory plan will be based on … Read More