Changes to your supply chains takes time

Roger OakdenSupply Chains & Supply Networks

Near-shoring gains prominence. This month’s McKinsey Quarterly article by Katy George is titled Near-shoring: A CEO’s Guide and provides some good thinking about trends in manufacturing, many of which will have an influence on the future structure of supply chains and operations of logistics and logistics services. Near-shoring is another term for considering your business as a set of regional (rather … Read More

Working in procurement – be able to sell

Roger OakdenProcurement

A view of Procurement. Is procurement (you can call it supply, purchasing or acquisition) just about sourcing and buying materials, goods and services? Well no – to be an effective procurement organisation and meet the targeted business outcomes requires more capabilities than sourcing and buying. What about selling? Procurement should do this both internally and externally. Inside your business there … Read More

Missed deliveries at festive times is a logistics challenge

Roger OakdenLogistics Management

Over-promising is a problem. ‘Any-time’ buying and ‘free’ delivery sound attractive until there are unhappy customers demanding refunds because gifts did not arrive when expected. Over the Australian summer holiday I have read articles about the challenges in America of delivering parcels in time for the recent Christmas festivities. The two parties involved in the transaction both want delivery of … Read More

Know the critical LSPs for your business

Roger OakdenGlobal Logistics

How important is each logistics service provider to your business?   Your answer will depend on a range of factors, including the value of services purchased, the number of potential suppliers and the capabilities required of the service provider. The analytical approach to identify those LSPs which are strategic to your business is to segment the LSP contracts into categories … Read More

Measure your logistics by the right numbers

Roger OakdenLogistics Management

What gets measured gets managed. I am sure you have read articles about ‘managing by the numbers’ and as one who commenced his career as an industrial engineer, numbers have been a large part of my life. But the question to ask is what are the numbers there to do? In worker incentive schemes that were popular fifty years ago, … Read More