Taxes paid and your supply chains

Roger OakdenGlobal Logistics

Tax effective supply chains. Does the design of your supply chains have an impact on corporate taxes paid? If your business is a multi-national, it certainly does. For those who imagine that supply chains and logistics is solely about moving and storing things, the recent French government demand for U$252m in back taxes from Amazon and the Australian tax office … Read More

Disruption to your supply chains

Roger OakdenSupply Chains & Supply Networks

Analysing risks in operations. The disruption caused in the north east states of America by the super storm once again illustrates how vulnerable are long supply chains. An integral part of senior roles in supply chains and logistics is to have answers for the ‘what-if’ questions concerning business risks. The areas of vulnerability for your business can be identified under … Read More

Border delays a challenge for logisticians

Roger OakdenLogistics Planning

Using non-tariff trade barriers. It was recently reported that a dairy company in Australia had identified a market in Shanghai for imported fresh milk; the milk would be air-freighted every day from Melbourne to Shanghai and delivered to selected retail outlets where their customers would be willing to pay the expensive price per litre for a product they considered was … Read More

Risks in supply chains

Roger OakdenGlobal Logistics

Risks are not always the same. When considering the risks associated with supply chains, you could assume they would be the same for all businesses with similar products, or goods obtained from particular countries. But is this correct? In global supply chains, the majority of risks are actually generated within the buying organisation. The reason being that at least two … Read More

Risks in your supply chains

Roger OakdenGlobal Logistics

Risks challenge businesses. Last week two events occurred that illustrate the risks you can face in operating global supply chains. The first concerned leather balls used in Australian Rules football games. Like many companies in developed countries, the brand company sources its products from low cost countries (LCC). If your company approaches suppliers that have low labour costs, the procurement staff are … Read More