Delivery transport in cities

Roger OakdenGlobal Logistics

A bigger job with fewer trucks. Reading the United Nations development program (UNDP) report Asia Pacific Human Development 2012, I was alerted to the important role that logisticians can play in making cities of the region livable. By 2026, more than half the Asia Pacific region’s population will live in a city; and half the world’s mega cities will be … Read More

How will you respond to carbon pricing?

Roger OakdenGlobal Logistics

Improve or pass on the cost. This is a question asked by CEOs of the larger companies in Australia. The carbon tax regime will commence in July 2012 and initially target the largest emiters. In addition to Australia, similar decisions and plans about implementing a carbon tax or carbon trading are happening around the Pacific Rim; in New Zealand, Thailand, … Read More

How do you explain logistics?

Roger OakdenGlobal Logistics

Things said on television. I have been watching the TV series Planet Word, hosted by the British entertainment personality, Stephen Fry. In the most recent episode he was discussing an advertisement for a job in which the word logistics was used. The speaker asked Stephen Fry if he knew what  the term meant; to which Stephen responded “it has to … Read More

How you can take trucks off the roads

Roger OakdenGlobal Logistics

Locate logistics services centres for effective freight movement I wrote a client report in 2005, providing justification for a logistics hub in the west of Melbourne. Last week, on March 28, an article in the Melbourne Age newspaper caught my attention . It announced the alliance of a commercial property developer and a logistics services provider to operate and further … Read More

You learn logistics through education and training

Roger OakdenGlobal Logistics

How is your work experience recognised? A short article about recognition by universities of student work experience in the Melbourne Age newspaper discusses the shortage of qualified people. It argues this is due to a reluctance by universities to recognise experience and so provide credits in relevant subject areas. The vocational sector recognises experience through a recognition of prior learning … Read More